Saturday, October 25, 2014

Pic of the Day

Brown-headed Nuthatch, Sitta pusilla:  Guntersville Dam, Alabama

 Brown-headed Nuthatch, Sitta pusilla:  Guntersville Dam, Alabama

 Brown-headed Nuthatch, Sitta pusilla:  Guntersville Dam, Alabama

         A number of years ago tornados ripped through the Guntersville State Park uprooting all the old pines in the campground area.  The campground was the best place in the park to photograph Brown-headed Nuthatches.  Since those tornados swept through I had not found a population of nuthatches to photograph until this afternoon.
     Today was absolutely beautiful, so my wife and I took a drive to Guntersville Dam, about twenty minutes from the house.  When we arrived we drove through the picnic area along side the Tennessee River.  As I slowly drove through the tall pines I mentioned to my wife that this should be perfect habitat for Brown-headed Nuthatches.  I parked the van, rolled down the window and listened for their calls.  It was not long after we parked that I heard the nuthatches.  I quickly setup the camera and lens, and before long I was shooting Brown-headed Nuthatches.  I am very excited about finding a photographable population, and look forward to going back, and hopefully getting better photos.

Top:  Nikon D800, Nikkor 500mm f4, 1/640 second @ f7.1, shot in DX format
Middle:  Nikon D800, Nikkor 500mm f4, 1/400 second @ f8, shot in DX format
Bottom:  Nikon D800, Nikkor 500mm f4, 1/250 second @ f7.1, shot in DX format

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