Friday, January 10, 2014

Pic of the Day

Great Egret, Ardea alba: J.N. Ding Darling NWR; Sanibel Island, Florida
    I was driving through the J.N. Ding Darling NWR on Sanibel Island when I saw this Great Egret fishing in the West Lake impoundment.  I was really drawn to the rim lighting on the egret, but the overall scene looked quite drab.  I looked at the image off and on for a year before I realized that it might look good as a back and white image.  After converting the image into grayscale, and a little adjustment with the curves, and the highlight / shadow sliders, I got an image I liked.  So,  if you have an image you like, but it just dosen't have the snap you want, experiment with the image in photoshop.  You just might end up wtih the image you're looking for.

Nikon D7000, Nikkor 500mm f4, 1/1600 sec. @ f8, Color image converted to Black & White in photoshop


  1. Found you through Creation Illustrated! I hope you have a blessed day!

    Allison -

  2. Thank you Allison, and please visit the blog often. Bobby
