Wednesday, January 30, 2013

     Mountain Bluebird, Sialia currucoides – Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado:  Going through my files I found this mountain bluebird that I shot on Moraine Park road.  The Moraine Valley is one of my favorite spots in Rocky Mountain NP.  I can always count on seeing mountain bluebirds, swallows, nuthatches and magpies along the road to the campground.  Hiking through the adjacent woodlands and meadows I found this bluebird and its mate gleaning insects from recently dead pines.
     This is one of many images I shot as the birds foraged.  What drew me to the image was the clean background, simplistic line of the branch and the complementary colors of the out of focus yellow flowers at the bottom of the frame, and the blue bird.  I took lots of images that morning and this one is among my favorites.

Nikon D7000, Nikkor 500mm, 1/250 @ f6.3

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Imperial Dreams : Coming to a bookstore near you on April 16, 2013

Bobby Harrison (L) and Tim Gallagher (R) at Arroyo de los Monos, Mexico
     The Imperial Woodpecker….an Ivorybill, and the largest of its clan, is, or was the largest woodpecker that has ever lived.  This magnificent bird is the topic of Tim Gallagher’s latest book, Imperial Dreams.  
    Tim, a great friend, and the person who was with me in 2004 when we saw the Ivory-billed Woodpecker on Bayou de View, Arkansas has spent the last four or more years on the trail of the Imperial Woodpecker of Mexico.  Tim made numerous trips to Mexico to interview people who saw the bird in the middle of the last century, and to track down recent sighting that were only a couple of years old.
     I have had the privilege to read the pre-release proof of the book, and like Tim’s previous books it is a WINNER!  Tim is one the best authors I have ever read, and like his other books, once you start reading you will not want to put it down.   Tim tells a riveting story of a bird whose natural history is virtual unknown.  Tim has made a herculean effort to successfully unravel the mystery of the imperial woodpecker.   His travels through Mexico takes you to the peaceful Arroyo de los Monos, to  harrowing life and death encounters with drug traffickers in Durango.
     I was fortunate to make a trip to Mexico with Tim in February, 2009.  Tim writes about our adventure in the chapter “From Ivorybills to Imperials.”  It was a great trip, and helped me to really appreciate my life here at home.  My favorite part of the trip was Arroyo de los Monos, the site of ancient petroglyphs that dated back some eight-hundred years. 
     Tim, John, (our guide) and I spent an entire afternoon in the arroyo photographing the ancient works of art.   From the start of the trip this was the place I really wanted to visit, because it held what is believed to be the oldest known drawing of an imperial woodpecker.   Tim had been to the site on a previous trip and knowing that I really wanted to see the imperial petroglyph made it a point to get me there before the trip was over.
     Know one really knows why ancient peoples etched images onto rock surfaces.  They could have created such works to tell a story, make a statement or just pass time, but for what ever reason Arroyo de los Monos is filled with petroglyphs.  
     The imperial petroglyph was about twenty-feet up the side of the canyon wall, and was in a difficult spot for someone to do an etching.  Perhaps there was better footing eight-hundred years ago.  I photographed the petroglyph from every possible angle and when I finished shooting the imperial petroglyph, I turned my camera to others.  There were petroglyphs of avocets, coyotes, men, geometric shapes and creatures I could not identify.  I shot them all.  I could not have imagined a better way to end my adventure in Mexico.
     Tim’s book, “Imperial Dreams” will go on sale April 16, 2013.  If you loved “The Grail Bird,”  You’ll love “Imperial Dreams.”
Tim’s blog: is up and running.  He is posting about his adventures into the land of the Imperial Woodpecker every few days.  Check-it-out.
I have placed the "Imperial Derams" address in “Bobby’s Favorite Blogs”  here to the right for easy access.  Tim has been posting quite often so check out the blog frequently.

Congratulations on another GREAT book Tim!
Here are a few images from my trip with Tim.
Arroyo de los Monos, Mexico.  The Imperial Petroglyph is on the right.
Imperial Woodpecker Petroglyph, Arroyo de los Monos, Mexico

An unexpected snow storm forced Tim, John (our guide) and I, to cross this 8,125 feet high pass to get back to the eastern side of the Sierra Madera Occidentals.  Had we not made it across we would have been stuck in a remote region for a week or more.  The trip down the mountains was slippery and treacherous, but we made it.  The snow was at least a foot and half deep here on the road, a beautiful winter wonderland in the mountains of Mexico.
Here is Tim standing in the snow just before heading over the pass 
pictured above.  After seeing this image it looks as if the snow as 
closer to 2 feet deep.  I was very skeptical about driving over the 
pass and down the mountains.  I would have felt better about going
down the mountains if I were driving, buy we made it just fine.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Pic of the Day

close-up showing serrated tooth beak
    Hooded Merganser, Lophodytes cucullatus – Viera Wetlands; Viera, Florida:  While I was photographing the bufflehead pictured in the last post, a small group of hooded mergansers swam into view.  Without hesitation I trained my camera on them and began shooting.  That gorgeous light that illuminated the bufflehead was now striking these beautiful toothed ducks.  Good light, good subject, what more could a bird photographer ask for.
     The hooded merganser is the smallest of the three merganser species in North America, and the only one restricted to the continent.  Mergansers are toothed ducks, having long, slender, hooked, serrated bills that are perfectly adapted for catching fish, a primary food source.  The photo of the female shows the serrated beak quite well.  (For the last photo I have enlarged the head making the serrated beak easier to see.)
     While the male sports a white hood, black back and chestnut sideboards, the female is decked-out with a drab gray-brown head, rusty-brown crest and brown body.  She is perfectly colored not to draw attention to herself.  But, in this case both the drake and hen caught my attention and gave me ample opportunity to take frame filling images before they swam away………and I thought the bufflehead was going to be the best part of the day!

Check out images of a hooded merganser eating an apple snail.